Second Life Living Room Wood Stove with Animations

What’s cozier than cuddling up with a loved one in front of a fire? The Dutchie vintage animated wood stove is the perfect addition to any Second Life cabin, cottage, or home. Not only does it add a touch of warmth and comfort to your living space, but it also comes with a variety of adorable animations.

The wood-burning stove has 10 Second Life couple animations, 5 for warming up and 5 for cuddling. The warming animations can be played solo as well. There are also 2 short sequences.

The stove comes in two parts: the furnace itself and the optional pipe for your outside wall. The plate underneath the stove and the pipe on the back can be unlinked, bringing the land impact down to 5 prims.


• Stove: land impact of 6 prims
• Outside pipe: land impact of 2 prims
• 100% original mesh
• Mod and copy


Security, poses, and fire can be adjusted under the ADJUST menu.

• Security: makes your furniture usable by Owner, Group, or All.
• Pose: enables discrete real-time adjustment of the poses.
• Fire: turn the fire on or off, or fine-tune it to your liking.

Designed for houseboat New Amsterdam

Dutchie’s vintage woodburning stove was designed for Second Life houseboat New Amsterdam.