Lovense & Dutchie Second Life sex furniture


Connect your real-life Lovense sex toy to Dutchie Second Life sex furniture, and it offers intense vibrations that you control. It’s a whole new level of pleasure and immersion! Dutchie uses LoveBridge to connect your Lovense toy to our furniture.

When you play a masturbation, FP, or sex animation, your Lovense sex toy will vibrate. And you have full control over the intensity.

Plus, both you and your partner will feel the same level of vibrations, ensuring a shared and electrifying experience, regardless of the specific Lovense sex toy you use or your gender.

How to use Lovense sex toys with Dutchie Second Life sex furniture

The process is straightforward. Each adult sub-menu and sequence starts with gentle vibrations, which gradually increase in intensity as you progress. Start with soft vibrations and slowly increase the intensity, until you find a level that feels good to you. If you prefer softer vibrations, you can always go back to a lower level.

The sequences are designed to step up by one level every minute. Simply push the pause button when you find the right level of intensity.

To enjoy Lovense in Second Life, follow these simple steps:

1: Get a Lovense Sex Toy in Real Life

If you don’t already have a Lovense sex toy, you can purchase one using Dutchie’s affiliate link:

2: Install the Lovense Connect App on your Phone and Connect Your Toy

Lovense offers two phone apps; make sure to use the pink one. Open the app, turn on your Lovense sex toy, and click on “Add toy(s)” to connect your toy to the app.

Now, you’re all set!

Follow these steps before each Lovense Second Life play session:

1. Turn on your Lovense sex toy and open the Lovense Connect app on your phone.

2. Take a seat on Dutchie Lovense Second Life sex furniture, then head to the adult section of the menu and click on the “LOVENSE” button.

3. Click on “Wear Relay,” and a little button will appear on your screen, along with a menu of options.

4. Click on “QR Login” and follow the link provided to open a browser window with the QR image. Use the Lovense Connect app on your phone to scan the QR code. Don’t forget to click the “Vibe on” button too.

5. Now, you’re all set to enjoy the vibes! Choose a masturbation, FP, or sex animation, or play one of the adult sequences to experience the synchronized vibrations with your Lovense sex toy and Dutchie Second Life sex furniture. Have fun!

Dutchie Lovense Second Life sex furniture

Dutchie offers several Lovense-compatible Second Life designs, like our:

Massage Table

Sex Shower

Clawfoot Bathtub


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